home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- """
- File containing Config singleton.
- """
- ### Logging ###
- import logging
- _logger = logging.getLogger("Config")
- ###############
- import gconf
- import os
- import sys
- from optparse import OptionParser
- KEYBOARD_WIDTH_GCONF_KEY = "/apps/onboard/width"
- KEYBOARD_HEIGHT_GCONF_KEY = "/apps/onboard/height"
- LAYOUT_FILENAME_GCONF_KEY = "/apps/onboard/layout_filename"
- X_POSITION_GCONF_KEY = "/apps/onboard/horizontal_position"
- Y_POSITION_GCONF_KEY = "/apps/onboard/vertical_position"
- SCANNING_GCONF_KEY = "/apps/onboard/enable_scanning"
- SCANNING_INTERVAL_GCONF_KEY = "/apps/onboard/scanning_interval"
- SNIPPETS_GCONF_KEY = "/apps/onboard/snippets"
- SHOW_TRAYICON_GCONF_KEY = "/apps/onboard/use_trayicon"
- START_MINIMIZED_GCONF_KEY = "/apps/onboard/start_minimized"
- GTK_KBD_MIXIN_MOD = "Onboard.KeyboardGTK"
- INSTALL_DIR = "/usr/share/onboard"
- ICP_IN_USE_GCONF_KEY = "/apps/onboard/icon_palette/in_use"
- ICP_WIDTH_GCONF_KEY = "/apps/onboard/icon_palette/width"
- ICP_HEIGHT_GCONF_KEY = "/apps/onboard/icon_palette/height"
- ICP_X_POSITION_GCONF_KEY = "/apps/onboard/icon_palette/horizontal_position"
- ICP_Y_POSITION_GCONF_KEY = "/apps/onboard/icon_palette/vertical_position"
- class Config (object):
- """
- Singleton Class to encapsulate the gconf stuff and check values.
- """
- _gconf_client = gconf.client_get_default()
- _kbd_render_mixin_mod = GTK_KBD_MIXIN_MOD
- """
- String representation of the module containing the Keyboard mixin
- used to draw keyboard
- """
- _kbd_render_mixin_cls = GTK_KBD_MIXIN_CLS
- """
- String representation of the keyboard mixin used to draw keyboard.
- """
- _set_height = None
- """ Height when set on cmd line """
- _set_width = None
- """ Width when set on cmd line """
- _old_snippets = None
- """
- A copy of snippets so that when the list changes in gconf we can tell which
- items have changed.
- """
- """ Width of sidebar buttons """
- """ Offset of label from key edge when not specified in layout"""
- LABEL_MARGIN = (4,0)
- """ Margin to leave around labels """
- def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Singleton magic.
- """
- if not hasattr(cls, "self"):
- cls.self = object.__new__(cls)
- cls.self._init()
- return cls.self
- def _init(self):
- """
- Singleton constructor, should only run once.
- """
- _logger.debug("Entered in _init")
- parser = OptionParser()
- parser.add_option("-l", "--layout", dest="filename",
- help="Specify layout .sok file")
- parser.add_option("-x", type="int", dest="x", help="x coord of window")
- parser.add_option("-y", type="int", dest="y", help="y coord of window")
- parser.add_option("-s", "--size", dest="size",
- help="size widthxheight")
- parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", type="str", dest="debug",
- help="DEBUG={notset|debug|info|warning|error|critical}")
- options = parser.parse_args()[0]
- if options.debug:
- logging.basicConfig(level=getattr(logging, options.debug.upper()))
- else:
- logging.basicConfig()
- self._gconf_client.add_dir("/apps/onboard", gconf.CLIENT_PRELOAD_NONE)
- self._gconf_client.notify_add(KEYBOARD_WIDTH_GCONF_KEY,
- self._geometry_notify_cb)
- self._gconf_client.notify_add(KEYBOARD_HEIGHT_GCONF_KEY,
- self._geometry_notify_cb)
- self._gconf_client.notify_add(ICP_IN_USE_GCONF_KEY,
- self._icp_in_use_change_notify_cb)
- self._gconf_client.notify_add(ICP_WIDTH_GCONF_KEY,
- self._icp_size_change_notify_cb)
- self._gconf_client.notify_add(ICP_HEIGHT_GCONF_KEY,
- self._icp_size_change_notify_cb)
- self._gconf_client.notify_add(ICP_X_POSITION_GCONF_KEY,
- self._icp_position_change_notify_cb)
- self._gconf_client.notify_add(ICP_Y_POSITION_GCONF_KEY,
- self._icp_position_change_notify_cb)
- self._gconf_client.notify_add(START_MINIMIZED_GCONF_KEY,
- self._start_minimized_notify_cb)
- self._gconf_client.notify_add(SNIPPETS_GCONF_KEY,
- self._snippets_notify_cb)
- self._old_snippets = self.snippets
- if (options.size):
- size = options.size.split("x")
- self._set_width = int(size[0])
- self._set_height = int(size[1])
- if (options.x):
- self.x_position = int(options.x)
- if (options.y):
- self.y_position = int(options.y)
- # Find layout
- if options.filename:
- filename = options.filename
- else:
- filename = self._gconf_client.get_string(LAYOUT_FILENAME_GCONF_KEY)
- if filename and not os.path.exists(filename):
- _logger.warning("Can't load %s loading default layout instead" %
- filename)
- filename = ''
- if not filename:
- filename = os.path.join(self.install_dir,
- "layouts", "Default.sok")
- if not os.path.exists(filename):
- raise Exception("Unable to find layout %s" % filename)
- self.__filename = filename
- self._gconf_client.notify_add(LAYOUT_FILENAME_GCONF_KEY,
- self._layout_filename_notify_cb)
- self._gconf_client.notify_add(X_POSITION_GCONF_KEY,
- self._position_notify_cb)
- self._gconf_client.notify_add(Y_POSITION_GCONF_KEY,
- self._position_notify_cb)
- self._gconf_client.notify_add(SCANNING_GCONF_KEY,
- self._scanning_notify_cb)
- self._gconf_client.notify_add(SCANNING_INTERVAL_GCONF_KEY,
- self._scanning_interval_notify_cb)
- self._gconf_client.notify_add(SHOW_TRAYICON_GCONF_KEY,
- self._show_trayicon_notify_cb)
- _logger.debug("Leaving _init")
- ######## Layout #########
- _layout_filename_notify_callbacks = []
- def layout_filename_notify_add(self, callback):
- """
- Register callback to be run when layout filename changes.
- Callbacks are called with the layout filename as a parameter.
- @type callback: function
- @param callback: callback to call on change
- """
- self._layout_filename_notify_callbacks.append(callback)
- def _layout_filename_notify_cb(self, client, cxion_id, entry, user_data):
- """
- Recieve layout change notifications from gconf and check the file is
- valid before calling callbacks.
- """
- filename = self._gconf_client.get_string(LAYOUT_FILENAME_GCONF_KEY)
- if not os.path.exists(filename):
- _logger.warning("layout %s does not exist" % filename)
- else:
- self.__filename = filename
- for callback in self._layout_filename_notify_callbacks:
- callback(filename)
- def _get_layout_filename(self):
- """
- Layout filename getter.
- """
- return self.__filename
- def _set_layout_filename(self, value):
- """
- Layout filename setter, TODO check valid.
- @type value: str
- @param value: Absolute path to the layout description file.
- """
- self._gconf_client.set_string(LAYOUT_FILENAME_GCONF_KEY, value)
- layout_filename = property(_get_layout_filename, _set_layout_filename)
- ####### Geometry ########
- _geometry_notify_callbacks = []
- def _get_keyboard_height(self):
- """
- Keyboard height getter, check height is greater than 1.
- """
- if self._set_height:
- height = self._set_height
- else:
- height = self._gconf_client.get_int(KEYBOARD_HEIGHT_GCONF_KEY)
- if height and height > 1:
- return height
- else:
- def _set_keyboard_height(self, value):
- """
- Keyboard height setter, check height is greater than 1.
- """
- if value > 1 and \
- value != self._gconf_client.get_int(KEYBOARD_HEIGHT_GCONF_KEY):
- self._gconf_client.set_int(KEYBOARD_HEIGHT_GCONF_KEY, value)
- keyboard_height = property(_get_keyboard_height, _set_keyboard_height)
- def _get_keyboard_width(self):
- """
- Keyboard width getter, check width is greater than 1.
- """
- if self._set_width:
- width = self._set_width
- else:
- width = self._gconf_client.get_int(KEYBOARD_WIDTH_GCONF_KEY)
- if width and width > 1:
- return width
- else:
- def _set_keyboard_width(self, value):
- """
- Keyboard width setter, check width is greater than 1.
- """
- if value > 1 and \
- value != self._gconf_client.get_int(KEYBOARD_WIDTH_GCONF_KEY):
- self._gconf_client.set_int(KEYBOARD_WIDTH_GCONF_KEY, value)
- keyboard_width = property(_get_keyboard_width, _set_keyboard_width)
- def geometry_notify_add(self, callback):
- """
- Register callback to be run when the keyboard geometry changes.
- Callbacks are called with the new geomtery as a parameter.
- @type callback: function
- @param callback: callback to call on change
- """
- self._geometry_notify_callbacks.append(callback)
- def _geometry_notify_cb(self, client, cxion_id, entry, user_data):
- """
- Recieve geometry change notifications from gconf and run callbacks.
- """
- for callback in self._geometry_notify_callbacks:
- callback(self.keyboard_width, self.keyboard_height)
- ####### Position ########
- _position_notify_callbacks = []
- def _get_x_position(self):
- """
- Keyboard x position getter.
- """
- return self._gconf_client.get_int(X_POSITION_GCONF_KEY)
- def _set_x_position(self, value):
- """
- Keyboard x position setter.
- """
- if value + self.keyboard_width > 1 and \
- value != self._gconf_client.get_int(X_POSITION_GCONF_KEY):
- _logger.info("New keyboard x position: %d" % value)
- self._gconf_client.set_int(X_POSITION_GCONF_KEY, value)
- x_position = property(_get_x_position, _set_x_position)
- def _get_y_position(self):
- """
- Keyboard y position getter.
- """
- return self._gconf_client.get_int(Y_POSITION_GCONF_KEY)
- def _set_y_position(self, value):
- """
- Keyboard y position setter.
- """
- if value + self.keyboard_height > 1 and \
- value != self._gconf_client.get_int(Y_POSITION_GCONF_KEY):
- self._gconf_client.set_int(Y_POSITION_GCONF_KEY, value)
- y_position = property(_get_y_position, _set_y_position)
- def position_notify_add(self, callback):
- """
- Register callback to be run when the keyboard position changes.
- Callbacks are called with the new position as a parameter.
- @type callback: function
- @param callback: callback to call on change
- """
- self._position_notify_callbacks.append(callback)
- def _position_notify_cb(self, client, cxion_id, entry, user_data):
- """
- Recieve position change notifications from gconf and run callbacks.
- """
- for callback in self._position_notify_callbacks:
- callback(self.x_position, self.y_position)
- ####### Scanning ########
- _scanning_callbacks = []
- def _get_scanning(self):
- """
- Scanning mode active getter.
- """
- return self._gconf_client.get_bool(SCANNING_GCONF_KEY)
- def _set_scanning(self, value):
- """
- Scanning mode active setter.
- """
- return self._gconf_client.set_bool(SCANNING_GCONF_KEY, value)
- scanning = property(_get_scanning, _set_scanning)
- def scanning_notify_add(self, callback):
- """
- Register callback to be run when the scanning mode changes.
- Callbacks are called with the new value as a parameter.
- @type callback: function
- @param callback: callback to call on change
- """
- self._scanning_callbacks.append(callback)
- def _scanning_notify_cb(self, client, cxion_id, entry, user_data):
- """
- Recieve scanning mode change notifications from gconf and run callbacks.
- """
- for callback in self._scanning_callbacks:
- callback(self.scanning)
- ## Scanning interval ####
- _scanning_interval_callbacks = []
- def _get_scanning_interval(self):
- """
- Scanning interval time getter.
- """
- interval = self._gconf_client.get_int(SCANNING_INTERVAL_GCONF_KEY)
- if interval and interval > 0:
- return interval
- else:
- def _set_scanning_interval(self, value):
- """
- Scanning interval time getter.
- """
- return self._gconf_client.set_int(SCANNING_INTERVAL_GCONF_KEY, value)
- scanning_interval = property(_get_scanning_interval, _set_scanning_interval)
- def scanning_interval_notify_add(self, callback):
- """
- Register callback to be run when the scanning interval time changes.
- Callbacks are called with the new time as a parameter.
- @type callback: function
- @param callback: callback to call on change
- """
- self._scanning_interval_callbacks.append(callback)
- def _scanning_interval_notify_cb(self, client, cxion_id, entry,
- user_data):
- """
- Recieve scanning interval change notifications from gconf and run
- callbacks.
- """
- for callback in self._scanning_interval_callbacks:
- callback(self.scanning_interval)
- ####### Snippets #######
- _snippet_callbacks = []
- _snippets_callbacks = []
- def _get_snippets(self):
- """
- List of snippets getter.
- """
- return self._gconf_client.get_list(SNIPPETS_GCONF_KEY,
- def _set_snippets(self, value):
- """
- List of snippets setter.
- """
- self._gconf_client.set_list(SNIPPETS_GCONF_KEY, gconf.VALUE_STRING,
- value)
- snippets = property(_get_snippets, _set_snippets)
- def set_snippet(self, index, value):
- """
- Set a snippet in the snippet list. Enlarge the list if not big
- enough.
- @type index: int
- @param index: index of the snippet to set.
- @type value: str
- @param value: Contents of the new snippet.
- """
- if value == None:
- raise TypeError("Snippet text must be str")
- snippets = self.snippets
- for n in range(1 + index - len(snippets)):
- snippets.append("")
- _logger.info("Setting snippet %d to %s" % (index, value))
- snippets[index] = value
- self.snippets = snippets
- def del_snippet(self, index):
- _logger.info("Deleting snippet %d" % index)
- snippets = self.snippets
- snippets[index] = ""
- self.snippets = snippets
- def snippet_notify_add(self, callback):
- """
- Register callback to be run for each snippet that changes
- Callbacks are called with the snippet index as a parameter.
- @type callback: function
- @param callback: callback to call on change
- """
- self._snippet_callbacks.append(callback)
- def snippets_notify_add(self, callback):
- """
- Register callback to be run when the snippets list changes.
- Callbacks are called with the new list as a parameter.
- @type callback: function
- @param callback: callback to call on change
- """
- self._snippets_callbacks.append(callback)
- def _snippets_notify_cb(self, client, cxion_id, entry, user_data):
- """
- Recieve snippets list notifications from gconf and run callbacks.
- """
- snippets = self.snippets
- for callback in self._snippets_callbacks:
- callback(snippets)
- # If the snippets in the two lists don't have the same value or one
- # list has more items than the other do callbacks for each item that
- # differs
- length_of_shortest = min(len(snippets), len(self._old_snippets))
- length_of_longest = max(len(snippets), len(self._old_snippets))
- for index in range(length_of_shortest):
- if snippets[index] != self._old_snippets[index]:
- for callback in self._snippet_callbacks:
- callback(index)
- for index in range(length_of_shortest, length_of_longest):
- for callback in self._snippet_callbacks:
- callback(index)
- self._old_snippets = self.snippets
- ####### Trayicon #######
- _show_trayicon_callbacks = []
- def _get_show_trayicon(self):
- """
- Trayicon visible getter.
- """
- return self._gconf_client.get_bool(SHOW_TRAYICON_GCONF_KEY)
- def _set_show_trayicon(self, value):
- """
- Trayicon visible setter.
- """
- return self._gconf_client.set_bool(SHOW_TRAYICON_GCONF_KEY, value)
- show_trayicon = property(_get_show_trayicon, _set_show_trayicon)
- def show_trayicon_notify_add(self, callback):
- """
- Register callback to be run when the trayicon visibility changes.
- Callbacks are called with the new list as a parameter.
- @type callback: function
- @param callback: callback to call on change
- """
- self._show_trayicon_callbacks.append(callback)
- def _show_trayicon_notify_cb(self, client, cxion_id, entry,
- user_data):
- """
- Recieve trayicon visibility notifications from gconf and run callbacks.
- """
- for callback in self._show_trayicon_callbacks:
- callback(self.show_trayicon)
- #### Start minimized ####
- _start_minimized_callbacks = []
- def _get_start_minimized(self):
- """
- Start minimized getter.
- """
- return self._gconf_client.get_bool(START_MINIMIZED_GCONF_KEY)
- def _set_start_minimized(self, value):
- """
- Start minimized setter.
- """
- return self._gconf_client.set_bool(START_MINIMIZED_GCONF_KEY, value)
- start_minimized = property(_get_start_minimized, _set_start_minimized)
- def start_minimized_notify_add(self, callback):
- """
- Register callback to be run when the start minimized option changes.
- Callbacks are called with the new list as a parameter.
- @type callback: function
- @param callback: callback to call on change
- """
- self._start_minimized_callbacks.append(callback)
- def _start_minimized_notify_cb(self, client, cxion_id, entry,
- user_data):
- """
- Recieve trayicon visibility notifications from gconf and run callbacks.
- """
- for callback in self._start_minimized_callbacks:
- callback(self.start_minimized)
- def _get_kbd_render_mixin(self):
- __import__(self._kbd_render_mixin_mod)
- return getattr(sys.modules[self._kbd_render_mixin_mod],
- self._kbd_render_mixin_cls)
- kbd_render_mixin = property(_get_kbd_render_mixin)
- def _get_install_dir(self):
- # ../Config.py
- path = os.path.dirname(
- os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
- # when run uninstalled
- if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, "data", "onboard.svg")):
- return path
- # when installed
- elif os.path.isdir(INSTALL_DIR):
- return INSTALL_DIR
- install_dir = property(_get_install_dir)
- ####### IconPalette aka icp ########
- # iconPalette activation option
- def _icp_get_in_use(self):
- """
- iconPalette visible getter.
- """
- return self._gconf_client.get_bool(ICP_IN_USE_GCONF_KEY)
- def _icp_set_in_use(self, value):
- """
- iconPalette visible setter.
- """
- return self._gconf_client.set_bool(ICP_IN_USE_GCONF_KEY, value)
- icp_in_use = property(_icp_get_in_use, _icp_set_in_use)
- # callback for when the iconPalette gets activated/deactivated
- _icp_in_use_change_callbacks = []
- def icp_in_use_change_notify_add(self, callback):
- """
- Register callback to be run when the setting about using
- the IconPalette changes.
- Callbacks are called with the new list as a parameter.
- @type callback: function
- @param callback: callback to call on change
- """
- self._icp_in_use_change_callbacks.append(callback)
- def _icp_in_use_change_notify_cb(self, client, cxion_id, entry, user_data):
- """
- Recieve iconPalette visibility notifications from gconf and run callbacks.
- """
- for callback in self._icp_in_use_change_callbacks:
- callback(self.icp_in_use)
- # iconPalette size
- def _icp_get_width(self):
- """
- iconPalette width getter.
- """
- width = self._gconf_client.get_int(ICP_WIDTH_GCONF_KEY)
- if width:
- return width
- else:
- def _icp_set_width(self, value):
- """
- iconPalette width setter.
- """
- if value > 0 and \
- value != self._gconf_client.get_int(ICP_WIDTH_GCONF_KEY):
- self._gconf_client.set_int(ICP_WIDTH_GCONF_KEY, int(value))
- icp_width = property(_icp_get_width, _icp_set_width)
- def _icp_get_height(self):
- """
- iconPalette height getter.
- """
- height = self._gconf_client.get_int(ICP_HEIGHT_GCONF_KEY)
- if height:
- return height
- else:
- def _icp_set_height(self, value):
- """
- iconPalette height setter.
- """
- if value > 0 and \
- value != self._gconf_client.get_int(ICP_HEIGHT_GCONF_KEY):
- self._gconf_client.set_int(ICP_HEIGHT_GCONF_KEY, int(value))
- icp_height = property(_icp_get_height, _icp_set_height)
- _icp_size_change_notify_callbacks = []
- def icp_size_change_notify_add(self, callback):
- """
- Register callback to be run when the size of the iconPalette
- changes.
- Callbacks are called with the new size as a parameter.
- @type callback: function
- @param callback: callback to call on change
- """
- self._icp_size_change_notify_callbacks.append(callback)
- def _icp_size_change_notify_cb(self, client, cxion_id, entry, user_data):
- """
- Recieve size change notifications from gconf and run callbacks.
- """
- for callback in self._icp_size_change_notify_callbacks:
- callback(self.icp_width, self.icp_height)
- # iconPalette position
- def _icp_get_x_position(self):
- """
- iconPalette x position getter.
- """
- x_pos = self._gconf_client.get_int(ICP_X_POSITION_GCONF_KEY)
- if x_pos:
- return x_pos
- else:
- def _icp_set_x_position(self, value):
- """
- iconPalette x position setter.
- """
- if value > 0 and \
- value != self._gconf_client.get_int(ICP_X_POSITION_GCONF_KEY):
- self._gconf_client.set_int(ICP_X_POSITION_GCONF_KEY, int(value))
- icp_x_position = property(_icp_get_x_position, _icp_set_x_position)
- def _icp_get_y_position(self):
- """
- iconPalette y position getter.
- """
- y_pos = self._gconf_client.get_int(ICP_Y_POSITION_GCONF_KEY)
- if y_pos:
- return y_pos
- else:
- def _icp_set_y_position(self, value):
- """
- iconPalette y position setter.
- """
- if value > 0 and \
- value != self._gconf_client.get_int(ICP_Y_POSITION_GCONF_KEY):
- self._gconf_client.set_int(ICP_Y_POSITION_GCONF_KEY, int(value))
- icp_y_position = property(_icp_get_y_position, _icp_set_y_position)
- _icp_position_change_notify_callbacks = []
- def icp_position_change_notify_add(self, callback):
- """
- Register callback to be run when the position of the
- iconPalette changes.
- Callbacks are called with the new position as a parameter.
- @type callback: function
- @param callback: callback to call on change
- """
- self._icp_position_change_notify_callbacks.append(callback)
- def _icp_position_change_notify_cb(self, client, cxion_id, entry, user_data):
- """
- Recieve position change notifications from gconf and run callbacks.
- """
- for callback in self._icp_position_change_notify_callbacks:
- callback(self.icp_x_position, self.icp_y_position)